Tag Archives: #ipabeer

Old Friends and Cold Beers: The Power of Connection

I had the opportunity to catch up with an old friend a few weeks ago. I think I’m at that age where friends from middle school are finally classified as “old friends” now, and I’m taking that in stride. I met Amber in Mrs. Smallman’s fifth grade classroom and our friendship continued throughout middle school and high school. We went to different colleges, I moved out of town, and we fell out of touch for a while – as many people do.

Thankfully, living in the era of social media Amber and I were still able to keep tabs on each other and witness our major life events even though we didn’t live in the same place or see each other anymore.
A couple weeks ago, Amber asked me if I had any plans on a Saturday in May. She and her fiancĂ©, Collin, were visiting a friend about an hour from where I live, and they wanted to check out some breweries near me while they were in the area. She told me she had thought of me, and wondered if I’d like to join them. I was looking forward to it.

I’ve been much less busy than I used to be. Plans I used to make and places I used to go regularly were diminished with the start of the pandemic. Everything around me shut down just two days after my birthday. No eating out, no beer tastings, no happy hour with friends, no concerts, no sporting events, no gatherings with friends, or Easter dinner with the family. Once restrictions were lifted and a vaccine was in the works, people were able to venture out of their homes for leisure again, but it was still limited or few and far between.

My weekends became even less busy after the passing of my best friend. I lost Allet back in January, and even though we couldn’t go out to get drinks or brunch or any of our usual activities, we still spent nearly every weekend together. Even if one of us just went over to the other’s apartment with a bag of takeout from one of our favorite restaurants.

I’m sure this is completely normal and even part of one’s grieving process, but it kind of came as a shock to me when I realized maybe a week or two ago that I felt lonely. I don’t know why this hadn’t occurred to me or why I was so surprised by it.
I’m not quite used to loneliness. I would consider us more like distant acquaintances.
I grew up an only child. Being alone never really bothered me. I take week-long vacations by myself. I’ve been called self-sufficient. I pride myself on my independence. I consider myself quite introverted and used to joke about having to “charge my social battery.”

What I realized is that I wasn’t necessarily longing for more plans or a busier social life. I was craving connection with others.

“One of the most basic common human needs is connection.” – Jen Sincero

It doesn’t matter how independent you are, or how quiet or shy you are, or if you’re a reclusive hermit – everyone needs connection on some level. Perhaps not the same level across the board, but some type of human connection.

On a much lighter note, I also wanted to showcase some of Buffalo’s fantastic breweries. I know many restaurants, breweries, bars, and other establishments are trying to catch up on lost revenue from the pandemic and I feel the best way to help them out would be to support these local businesses and spread the word about them.

Big Ditch flight. “Berry Vision” pictured second from the bottom.

Big Ditch Brewing Company
55 E. Huron Street
Buffalo, NY 14203

In a large building in downtown Buffalo with an industrial chic set-up, Big Ditch has enough seating and a variety of dishes and drinks for any party. Flights costed us about $4.00 per beer, and any beer on their specials list costed an extra price of their 5 ounce glass.

The four of us were feeling more of a refreshing, fruity sour beer on that warm and slightly humid day, so Big Ditch’s popular “Berry Vision” was a given. It tastes just how it sounds – packed with berries.

We couldn’t leave without adding two specialty beers to our flights. I can’t even remember what the first one was called – though I know there was a dash of tequila and lime in it – because the second beer outshined just about every other beer we chose for our flight.
The “LET’S GOOO” was a fruity sour that – get this and stick with me because it’s going to sound weird – smelled like marshmallows! I didn’t get a chance to read the description on the menu before trying it, and it caught me off guard, but the “LET’S GOOO” had a pleasant strawberry flavor with marshmallow undertones. Yes, it tasted like marshmallows too. Do you see why I can’t remember the other beer’s name?

Unfortunately, “LET’S GOOO” is not sold in cans and can only be found on tap, so finding it might resemble a scavenger hunt.

Thin Man Brewery
492 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222

Located in the middle of Elmwood Village, Thin Man is very popular with a very laid back vibe. They sport a wide variety of craft beers, usually 24 are on their menu, and a fully stocked bar for those that aren’t quite into craft beer. Flights are priced by half the price of each beer you pick, and you can pick up to eight. (I suppose that makes sense if there’s 24 beers to choose from. No, we did not pick eight.)

Thin Man has a special place in my heart. When I moved back to Buffalo after a brief stint of living back home after college, Thin Man was one of the first bars that I could proudly call my regular spot. Allet and I could often be found there on a Friday night, and it’s how our weekly Bitch Bars (a night where we could converse and complain) began.
Amber was quite excited to check out Thin Man, as she and Collin often sample their in-store selections.

Thin Man’s IPA, “Equipoise,” stood out to me. I’m not much of an IPA drinker, but it was fruity and I really enjoyed the pineapple flavor – which funnily enough Amber couldn’t seem to find when she tried it, but she tasted more orange than I did.

In the past few years Thin Man has grown, and there are two other locations – one on Chandler Street in the city of Buffalo, and a new location on Transit Road in Williamsville.

Resurgence Brewing Company
55 Chicago Street
Buffalo, NY 14204

Resurgence’s “Cosmic Truth” pictured second from the right.

Near Canalside and across from Outer Harbor, Resurgence has plenty of seating – indoor and outdoor – along with plenty of parking. Guests can either choose to be seated with a full menu, or walk up to one of their two bars for a drink and then wander over to the food counter to place an order. Flights were four for $10.00 with a splendid variety of options (Loganberry Seltzer, anyone?).

My first visit to Resurgence was at their old Niagara Street location, and while I enjoyed my evening there, they have outdone themselves with their new digs on Chicago Street. The building has an industrial modern feel with beautiful exposed brick and funky chandeliers. If you know me personally, then you know my affinity for exposed brick.

We each chose a beer for our last flight of the night, mine being the “Cosmic Truth” – a tasty tropical flavored ale with a subtle bite. Amber and Collin even left with a few cans and some Resurgence-branded glasses to take home with them.

My weekends might not be as fun or eventful as they used to be, but it’s ultimately up to me to change that. I’m very glad Amber reached out to me last month. I didn’t realize how much I must have needed a nice afternoon out with awesome people and great drinks until then.

This past year and a half has been hard on many of us, and though it can be easy to retreat to what is normal, or what has become normal, I think it’s also important to reconnect with each other.
Whether it be people you haven’t seen in months, or maybe even years (Amber and I). Whether you go to a restaurant with a group of friends, or sit at the bar by yourself (maybe you’ll have a fun chat with the bartender). Whether you have a day full of activities, or just decide to go to a different coffee shop a mile away from your usual (I’ve done this. Overwinter coffee is wonderful).

Connecting with others doesn’t have to be a big ordeal, but it can have a big impact on yourself and others. Thanks for the invite, Amber. I can’t wait to check out some more breweries. I’ll come to your neck of the woods next time.